I am not too happy with the crust left on my chiffon tin when I removed the cake from it.. nevertheless I love the texture of this cake.. its moist... springy to touch and the cake turned out pretty high ...Hairi, the chffon cake lover, loves it of cos!... recipe is fm Fatma Bahalwan of NCC (Natural cooking club Indonesia)
Egg Mixture
In this mixture, the recipe calls only to pour the egg yolks into a well of dry ingredients. I whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar, firsthand, and then mix it to the dry ingredients, oil and coconut milk.
50g caster sugar
20g milk powder
20g cornflour
140g flour
1 tsp baking powder
100ml vegetable oil (I used corn oil)
100ml coconut milk
140g egg yolks (abt 8 eggs)
Egg Whites Mixture
300ml egg whites (abt 9 eggs)
150g caster sugar
1/2 tsp table salt
1 tsp cream of tartar (optional)
Rainbow Paste
1/2 tsp pandan paste
1/2 tsp strawberry paste
1/2 tsp chocolate paste
1/2 tsp vanilla essence (I added)

Preheat the oven to 180C. Prepare a 20cm chiffon cake (I used 22cm.. best wud be 24cm tin). Do not grease or line the tin.
Combine sugar, milk powder, cornflour, flour, and baking powder (I sifted these ingredients three times). Make a well in the centre. Pour the egg yolks (mine is already mixed with caster sugar) in the middle, mix well, while adding the oil and coconut milk. Work from the middle to the edge, combine well until you have a smooth egg mixture.
Meanwhile, whisk egg whites, caster sugar, salt and cream of tartar until soft peak. (i whisk egg white till foamy .. add in cream of tartar and salt.. then add sugar in 3 addition) Mix this mixture into the egg mixture. Work lightly but thoroughly, to avoid any lumps.
Divide the mixture into 4 portions and put each portion into a bowl. Work each paste into each bowl, so you will have one bowl of pandan paste mixture, one bowl of strawberry paste mixture, and another bowl of chocolate paste mixture, while the rest of the mixture remains plain.
(I divide egg yolk mixture into 4 portion and added pandan, chocolate and strawberry paste in each bowl.. I added 1/2 tsp of vanilla essence in plain batter.. once ur done whisking egg white mixture.. divide it into 4 portion and fold in egg white mixture gently into each bowl)
Pour these mixture into the tin, and bake for 45 minutes, or until it becomes springy to the touch. Remove the cake from the oven and immediately turn the cake upside-down, using the tin's feet (if you have a chiffon cake with feet). Otherwise, use a strong bottle, like your vinegar bottle, to hold the cake by sliding the bottle into the tin hole in the middle. Leave it to cool.
When it is already cool, remove the cake from the tin by using a long thin knife, loosening from the sides and bottom of the tin. Slice and serve..

hehe...frm the time i saw the pandan chiffon cake nye recipe in ur blog...i've been wanting to try n bake it...tapi...smp skrg tak terbeli gak the chiffon tray....
Ain.. Ain.. nanti balik work go to any bakery supply shop and get it lah.. nanti kalau dah ade .. u can try and bake it anytime.. :o)
Salam Rima,
Bebudak mesti suker sangat kalau ngan kaler-2 ni...nanti insyaallah saya pun nak try gak.
Salam Adnazthie
Alahhh mak budak pun suker dgn kaler kaler heheh.. try lah.. even my hb yg bukan pengemar chiffon cake like it cos he said for a change.. this chiffon cake rasa moist2 gitu
Hi Rima
I'm sure the kids wld love this cake..the colours aja dah mengancam...;) what more the moist texture & taste..Chiffon pan pon dah lama tak gunakan..hmmmm
Ape lagi yang ditunggu.. keluarkan chiffon pan yg dah lama bertapa dari gerobok u tu hehehe
I gerram laa Rima, penat I tunggu internet ptg ni lembab betul. Gambar2 you semua nampak kontot2 aje tak fully developed. Menciii..
I suka chiffon cake tapi I pelokek bila tengok the amt of eggs being used. Shd use half the adunan pun OK ek?
I think u can half the adunan then can bake it kat dalam a smaller chiffon pan.. pasti comel kan :o)
Nice color too (^_^).
Hi Rima ... looking at ur blog inspire me to bake too ... but for now im contented by just looking at the food photos hee hee
Hi Ilah,
For now yes... but someday u will be addicted to baking just like me hehhe
Ah ah.. i loveee it too!
Hi Rima, dr blog kat ummi singgah sini tgk chiffon kek yang mabeles...i like!..:)
Welcome welcome and yes u shud gv this recipe a try.. lembut bangat kek chiffon ni tau hehe
Salam Kak Rima!
I luv your blog! So I have a qn: when doing chiffon cakes do one have to use the regular chiffon mould. Can I use the non stick chiffon mould? Thank u so much! Also if you have plenty of white eggs left any recommendation of cakes/cookies to do?
Lee Texas
Best wud be regular chiffon mould cos ur chiffon needs something to cling on and any non stick kind will not work..
Egg white.. i hv a few recipes in my blog that uses egg white.. besides macarons.. u can bake layer cake.. u can bake steamed cake.. u can also use it to bake biscotti
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