Someone in my household is a happy puppy... for the longest time hes been eyeing it and finally yesterday i gave in and got us a brand new toy... well this is our 4th machine so far... the first time we got ourself a coffee machine was 6yrs ago... started off with a simple machine... forgot what the brand name was but we got it in Australia i think... now its sitting in hb's office... the 2nd one was Boncafe.. we got that for free but it broke down within 1 week.. the machine went keput for some reason.. 3rd one was a manual Sunbeam.. bought it fm Harris Scarfe in Adelaide last year... even tho we've been using it on daily basis.. hb has never stopped fm eyeing this fully auto DeLonghi coffee machine...
Sooo yesterday while in Carrefour he saw his fav machine on 55% discount (actual price was $2699)... got it tested and off to the cashier for payment..at first we thought the price was for the demo set ..but is was for a new one! This machine does the grinding of coffee beans and also is capable to do the frothing of milk for cappuccino and latte .. with just a click away.. u can choose if u wanna mild or super strong coffee.. no need to press the coffee powder manually anymore .. no need to worry if i am pressing too hard (we dont want a burn bitter espresso do we?).. hope after this he wont be looking at another one called Jura ( that one can easily cost more than $3000....and its NEVER on discount)
So anyway.. hes been making the queen of the house espresso, latte, cappuccino and machiatto since last night .. will enjoy this moment cos it wont last long.. come next week .. he will be "ordering" me to make him a cup of espresso with a valid reason like.. "oh babe since u make the best espresso.. why dont u make us one??" ... err but wait... he no longer can use that reason cos our new machine is fully auto muuuahahahhaha
Okie dokie.. this is our weekend desert.. super simple desert which u can prepare in under 10 mins.. I dont usually use box mix kinda thing for desert but since hb had bought a box of white wing creme caramel custard a few months ago (dont ask me why he bought it lol)... i had to somehow make use of it bef it expires!

All u need to do is to mix the caramel with warm water... boil milk with custard powder.. pour caramel in a mold.. pour custard mixture onto caramel sauce.. let it sit for a few hours in fridge and ur good to go.. simple and nice.. u can serve it as it is or hv it with a few types of berries..

Wow...nice & sleek machine...Can I hv 1 cuppa to go ;)...ha ha..
BTW, how's the sweetness for the caramel?
we've got a DeLonghi as well but not fully auto like yours and we loooooove it :-). One day when this one breaks down, we are definitely getting a fully auto DeLonghi, hehehhe.
Of cos can... sharing is caring hahahha.. the caramel tu sedap jugak.. tak overly manis... just nice..
At first he showed me the semi auto one and it was going at $899
dah tu benda allah tu no stock.. and bec he knew that if he was to wait for the new stock to arrive.. si wifey dia ni might change her mind.. tu lah dia dengan pantas decided on the fully auto one... but kan.. i must admit the fully auto one tu lagi better.. senang kerja mak every morning.. hehhe
wah rima...bestnye!! i ni tak minum kopi, but to have a coffee machine letak kat kitchen, nampak kelasss gitu...hahaha.
Wah..very fancy machine. Mahallll (^_^).
Memang kelas gitu.. tapi kan for tea ppl.. Tak minum coffee tak apa.. gaya mau ada wookeyyy! kah kah kah
Any toys that got to do with guys.. memang semuanye mahal hehehe
Hi Rima,
What kind of coffee beans do you use for this sexy Magnifica machine babe? We're experimenting on different flavors. Is this machine still going strong after almost a year?
Thanks Rima. Your site is like my escape gituk. Always looking forward to what you have to say or eat/do etc. Hopefully I'll get the chance to meet you when I go back to Singapore.
Yep after a year it is still going strong.. still berjasa.. still doing its job eventho right now we hv Nespresso machine next to it hehehe
Always use Lavazza and never will use any other err except the Nespresso capsule lah now hehehe
Where are u at now?? didnt know ur a S'porean..
Hello my wife... in Coffee you must be very precise :)... we use at home Lavazza Qualita Oro (Gold packing)...
We use both Lavazza & Illy coffee too. Love them.
Thanks for this update Rima. Saw that Nespresso machine too... super sexy too. I'm contemplating nak beli ke tak? Nak beli ke tak? hehehe
Yaaa I'm Singaporean been living abroad (in London & now USA) for a long time. Happened to bump into your blog while searching for bread recipes to bake with my daughter. I got hooked on U. *wink*
To Mr. Rima (aka the hubby), you do love your coffee & yes! Definitely the Lavazza Qualita Oro (in gold packaging) is what we have too. =)
love, Love, LOVE your blog Rima & always fun to read your guest blogger (yr hubby's) too.
Blog on babe!
PS: Should you ever need anything in this part of the world, don't hesitate to let me know k?
Ty ty.. my guest blogger ni memang permanent .. pantang if i ask him to be my guest blogger.. dgn cepat dia rela hahah
So ur in the US .. which part tu?? dah lama betul i tak gi sana seh.. semenjak i got to know my hb lagi.. susah lah if orang tak suka gi sana.. tapi kan akan ku usaha kan tahun ni to persuade him to go there hehehe
That's why I think your blog is very unique & interesting because your permanent guest blogger is your hubby!
Yeah, you should go US too. I'm in the East Coast. I'll email you directly of my whereabouts ... entah entah ada spy kat sini ke. LOL.
Here's a question to your hubby, the coffee aficionado. Which Jura machine does he think is best or he's eying on?
Hi Z,
Here is the hubby replying. My money would either be on the Impressa J5 or the Z5. (both not new machines though). Jura is known for their good quality machines but at the end of the day its the coffee that makes 95% of the difference. So you pay for an Audi where a VW would do fine too. We decided on the Delonghi simply because it was on good offer and had a good system to clean the internal mechanism.
But on a lower price end, the Jura ENA 7 is quite a good machine too.
But with the Nespresso machine now we will be on a coffee-high for quite awhile...
Terimakasih to the Hubby banyak2 for taking the time to reply.
Jura is sooo out of league for us right now. I agree no matter what it all boils down to the coffee beans. I love Nespresso too but somehow it's not that big here.
Cheers mate!
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