A super quick dessert..
just mix and stir and dump it in ur fridge...
4hrs later
a yummy,
melt in ur mouth
and pretty looking dessert for ur guest...
I hardly get to prepare tiramisu...
its like a twice a year maybe once a year affair
between me and my tiramisu...
hv tried lots of tiramisu recipes and
by far this is the simplest and yet most delicious one
that i've prepared...
follow the recipe to the T ok..
even if u hv to pay $12 for a 300ml of double cream ...
1 cup strong black coffee (espresso works best)
2 tbsp Marsala wine (you can replace it with Brandy, Whisky, Kahlua, Bailey or rum essence.. you can even omit it)
2 eggs
75 g caster sugar
250g Mascarpone cheese
300 ml double cream
Cadbury drinking chocolate powder* (See note at bottom of post)
1 packet Savoiardi sponge fingers (you can replace them with sponge cake)
1 box of chocolate flakes for decoration (I added)
Mix the coffee with Marsala wine.
Combine the eggs and caster sugar in an electric mixer and whisk together until thick and light. The mixture should be thick enough to leave a trail on the surface.
Put the Mascarpone cheese into a large bowl. Stir in a little of the egg mixture. Fold in the remaining egg mixture. Fold in the double cream.
Cut the sponge fingers to fit the size of the base of the serving glass.
Line the bottom of the glass with a layer of sponge fingers. Drizzle coffee and Marsala wine mixture over the sponge fingers.
Sprinkle over a thick layer of chocolate, then spoon Mascarpone mixture on top (2 ladle spoons - enough to cover the sponge fingers). Level the surface.
Repeat the layers until it reaches the top of glass.
Decorate with the remaining chocolate. Cover and chill for 4 hours.
You can use any brand of drinking chocolate powder... i used cadbury simply bec i hv that in stock.. Had bought them when i was in australia ..
Source: Almost bourdain
emmm look so delicious..I made it b4 new year...
Rima, if double cream costs $12, how much does a tub of mascarporne cheese cost?
Bila i did the conversion.. tak sangka si double cream tu cost $29 ringgit.. ouch! and regarding ur question.. mascarporne cheese will easily cost u M$20 for 250ml
Salam kenal Rima, nice reading yr blog. Mascarpone cheese only cost 1 pound per 250 g tub here in UK.
I just love baking too....
Salam kenal Diny
Nasib baik i dont live there if not tak tahu macam mana i can tahan nafsu tak belanja lebih.. Supermarket n baking supply shop tu ibarat me gng to toys r us tau hehe
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