Rima, mem kecik tu asyik jenjalan aje ek? Dia tau tak dia berada di KL and not Spore??
BTW, I baru tau that Westin Hotel has changed its name. Bila my doter went there, puaslah I tanya "nampak tak hotel yg kita duduk dulu, Westin Hotel". Dia kata tak nampak pun. I pun google ..
mem kecik only knows mama dia ajak jejalan aje.. she knows the staff kat concorde and she knows which room to run to bila keluar dari lift hahah..
Eh Westin Htl dah lama known as Swissotel The Stamford, aduhhh its abt time u visit our little island again... in btw.. did ur doter enjoy her stay in sg? shop lots tak?
I like Westin Hotel, senang naik MRT to the office (a few time I pergi course); then merayap kat kedai2 kat bawah tu.
It was an eye opener for my doter. At least she can compare the good n the bad side of both countries. Shopping? Memang gah dia bersyoping. Ada laa dia belikan I pen dari Flyer Spore, chocs n biscuits for the father. I dpt gak habuan from my sisters, hehe.
Hi! I am Rima from Singapore and I am a SAHM to a 10 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby in Singapore and now live in Kuala Lumpur..
My love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stopped ever since.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..
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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..
Thanks Rima!! I had a wonderful afternoon. Till we meet again...
Likewise Sue! we will meet again someday.. somehow... somewhere heheh.. hv a safe flight home ok.. take care!
Rima, mem kecik tu asyik jenjalan aje ek? Dia tau tak dia berada di KL and not Spore??
BTW, I baru tau that Westin Hotel has changed its name. Bila my doter went there, puaslah I tanya "nampak tak hotel yg kita duduk dulu, Westin Hotel". Dia kata tak nampak pun. I pun google ..
mem kecik only knows mama dia ajak jejalan aje.. she knows the staff kat concorde and she knows which room to run to bila keluar dari lift hahah..
Eh Westin Htl dah lama known as Swissotel The Stamford, aduhhh its abt time u visit our little island again... in btw.. did ur doter enjoy her stay in sg? shop lots tak?
I like Westin Hotel, senang naik MRT to the office (a few time I pergi course); then merayap kat kedai2 kat bawah tu.
It was an eye opener for my doter. At least she can compare the good n the bad side of both countries. Shopping? Memang gah dia bersyoping. Ada laa dia belikan I pen dari Flyer Spore, chocs n biscuits for the father. I dpt gak habuan from my sisters, hehe.
Thats the reason why ppl travel.. u get to experience diff culture.. diff cuaca... diff makanan... etc etc etc especially diff kinda shopping hahah
U dapat pen?? jadi lah eh.. daripada tak dapat ape ape :)
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