I’m not going to have any new year’s resolution.
I don’t know about the rest of you but whom am i kidding?
I will make a list or if possible, a whole book of new year’s resolutions
but I would forget them.
They barely make it through half of the year...
But if there is one thing I would like to achieve
is to find a little time to attend some baking course..
Adakah itu possible?? hehehe
Anyway this was what I baked today
my last bake for year 2009
Recipe taken fm Bro Rozzan blog... I like it cos
for a serawak lapis cake.. this cake is not overly sweet..
Try it if u hv the time...
10 'A' size eggs
500 gm butter (I used goldenchurn)
200 gm castar sugar
300 gm condense milk
100 gm cheddar cheese, grated (optional)
50 gm horlicks
50 gm coconut milk powder
100 gm Marie biscuit(crush)
180 gm Hong Kong flour
1 tsp vanilla powder (I used essence)
1 tsp pandan paste (optional)
I packet Oreo (discard cream)
green and red colouring
1) Cream butter, sugar and vanilla powder till fluffy n white
2) Add egg one at a time and continue to beat till well combined
3) Lower speed and add in condense milk
4) Add flour, marie biscuit, coconut milk powder, horlicks and continue to beat at the lowest speed.
5) Divide batter into 3 parts (abt 625g each portion)
a) 1 portion add green colouring and also pandan paste
b) 1 portion add in red colouring
c) 1 portion original
6) Grease an 8 x 8" square pan and preheat oven 180C
7) Scope 2 ladle spoons of green colour and bake it using the upper and lower heat
8) Once done... pour 2 ladle spoons of red colour batter and add in grated cheddar cheese.. grill it for 5 - 7 mins
9) Pour in 2 ladle spoons of plain batter and add oreos.. grill again for 5 - 7mins
10) Repeat process till batter finish
11) Last layer bake it using upper and lower fire for 10mins
If u dont like cheddar cheese u omit it
If u dont like coconut cream powder u can add 50g more of horlicks)
If u dont like pandan paste u can omit it
Hi Rima
Happy New Year..
Cake lapis is amongst 1 of my fav but todate I've not baked one coz tak confident la..Just looking at the no. of eggs & amt of butter scares me..takut tak jadi & wasted pulak..
1 question..will the cake be easy to slice with the whole oreos on top. Reason for asking is, I baked butter oreo with whole pieces of oreo on top the other time and just find it hard to slice the cake neatly with the whole pcs of oreos..or did i do something wrong?
Hi Yat
I remember the first time i baked cake lapis was like 15yrs ago... it was a disaster hahahha.. honestly if ur a first timer i would advise u to bake a simpler layer cake where u dont hv to use so much ingredients that way if cake tak menjadi (as in dry).. hati tak sakit hehhe... maybe try and bake prune layer ke?
Regarding oreo on top.. i hv never bake any thing with whole oreo on top.. i prefer a clean look cake.. but if u r having difficulties slicing it maybe what u can do is to hv ur oreo cookies at room temp.. meaning take it out of the wrapper and let it sit.. that way ur cookies will not be so crunchy?? i did that when i baked this layer cake.. very easy to slice... no probs!
Hope that helps!
Salam Puan Rima, I ve been through your N3 4 cake, I love it..Happy new year 4 u n your family.
Next time I'm going through your other N3, love also your child, so cute n so sweet
Salam and Happy New Year to u too Adnazthie!
dear rima,
happy prosperous new year :-) may this year will bring u happiness n all wishes come true!!!
awesome cake! looks delicious ;-)yummy yummy...
Ty anonymous... may 2010 bring joy and happiness to u too!
Salaam kak rima! I'm baking this cake right now. Hope it turns out just like yours! :) miss you kak! Please start blogging again!
W'salam Hawa.. Ty for taking me back to my blog.. Miss blogging too :(((
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