
Newest shopping mall in Singapore

Hubby and I are at City Square Mall. We are testing out the latest mall and having coffee. Hubby is forcing me to test my latest toy's feature of blogging "on the go".

Next stop Somerset313.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


CS said...

Rima, where exactly is this shopping mall?

Rima said...

Its close to Mustaffa Center aka Mydin .. just make sure to go there during normal shopping hour cos unlike mustaffa.. it closes at 9.30pm heheh

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..