Bored shitless.. I hv tonnes and tonnes of stuff to do but I'm too lazy to do it.. too lazy to even update my blog last night.. hmmm so what did i do all day long yesterday... I met my girl friends.. we went to town and had fun of cos.. Sonia was behaving pretty well I must say cos I managed to drive without having to hear her shouting.. I managed to finish up my coffee for a change.. I also managed to sit down with them and enjoy my sticky date pudding too... so thats good..
This morning Sonia woke up at 4am and didnt want to go back to sleep.. I managed to put her to bed again tho (she finally fall asleep after an hour and half)and woke up again at half past 7.. grrrrr... shes been like that since the day hb left..waking up earlier than usual and sleeping very little during day time.. :o(
Oh yeah.. I got my lappy back... very frustrated cos I lost all the programmes.. lost all the links that i hv been saving all this while.. and lost tonnes of photos.. am very disappointed with myself for not saving it in my thumb drive.. how can i get back some of our trips photos? how can i get back some of Sonia's baby photos? and also her first birthday photos... arggghhhhhh... moral of the story.. save it bef its too late!!
happened to me once..memang i learnt my lesson lah..ever since..gambar yg penting2 i make sure save into thumb drive, kalau malas, i letak aje kt FB, at least ada lah copy somewhere kat web kan.
Tu lah.. menyesal betul lah.. dulu the original copy is fm my hb lappy.. then his lappy screwed up and we were lucky we managed to save it in my lappy bef it screwed up.. tak sangka my 6 months old lappy nak buat hal.. kalau i tahu i save it somewhere else ah.. sigh.. lucky gambar i gv birth ade kalau tidak menangis aku.. tak kan nak repeat gv birth lagi.. ku tak rela hahahaaa
Ladies, kadang2 thumbdrive pun boleh juga corrupted. Hadoii.. I pun pernah nangis tak berlagu .. huwarghhh...
I guess everyone pun pernah melalui nye.. i am thinking of buying external hard drive to save all the photos...
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