No time to prepare anything out of ordinary.. this is our main meal for iftar.. Baked Macaroni... hb and hairi loved it.. so easy to prepare and yet so so satisfying.. tks Mr Leggo hehhe
1 bottle of Leggo's pasta bake sauce
3 cloves of garlic - diced
300g minced meat (i used beef)
2 cups of macaroni (boil with salt and olive oil)
celery (diced)
button mushroom (slice thinly)
salt and pepper to taste
a few tbsp corn oil
1 packet of mozarella cheese
Heat oil.. stir fry garlic till fragrant
Add in minced meat and continue to stir till half cooked
Add in pasta bake sauce and stir till well combined
Add celery, mushroom, salt and pepper .. once cooked set aside
Boil macaroni till soft..
Pour macaroni into baking dish and add in meat sauce.. stir well
Press it down with the back of ur spoon and add mozarella cheese toppimg
Baked on preheated oven of 200C for 25mins or till top turn brown
Serve hot..
I am drooling looking at your friends were saying your pic semua nampak sedap...Baking shop kat KL yg famous Bake with Yen at Lorong Haji Taib in Chow Kit area (Another 2 branches kat Taman Megah & Puchong)..Where r u staying in KL? Kalau nak yang a bit decent another shop called BAGUS tapi in KL town tak ada you got to go to Shah Alam or Taman Melawati.
Yes, I agree. Nyum2..
Pic nampak sedap?? lahhh i took my food pic pakai digital camera aje.. harap kan ade matahari baru lah boleh take good pic.. hopefully hb got my hint yg i nak canon eos for my bday hehehe
I heard abt bake with yen and i know where it was actually.. BAGUS i hv never heard of so maybe i shud check it out lah if my hb baik hati nak drive me there heheh.. we will be at our usual concorde hotel.. it looks like we will be there friday instead..
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